Cleaning Services
Cleaning Services

Addressing The Aftermath Of A Teen House Party Before It Starts

Who does not love a good party, right? Specially if you are not the one dealing with the housework after the celebration if it was held at home. During the time when we were teenagers, we enjoyed so much during the parties and it was the parents who were left to do the cleaning up. Now that we are in the same shoes as our parents it would be worthwhile to get ourselves ready to face the consequences of our child’s celebrations with his/her friends.

Put all the restrictions beforehand and be clear about them
If you are not allowing certain types of foods and drinks to be brought in or if you are not allowing liquor (depending on the age of the gathering) be specific and let your child know in advance. So that he/she can inform the attendees to save embarrassment on the day of the party or so that he/she can decide to have the party at a different location. (Oh I can see your face when you think that they will actually have it in some other place and not in your house.)Define the boundaries. If they are not allowed to use or access the bedrooms tell them. It would be much easier if they can be restricted to the living room area with access to only a few bathrooms. You will not have to spend the whole of the next day attending to carpet cleaning in Canberra.
Keep them informed about the sound limits. Teenagers tend to forget even before you finish telling so be firm and let them know about the consequences.

Know who is coming
It is not practical to be staying at the door and checking everyone’s identities against the list of invitees but it is better to have a general idea about the type of people coming for the party. There is no guarantee that you will get the whole truth out of your child but they will get the basic idea that you will be keeping an eye and will be careful not to invite the ones who are known to wreck the place. So you will at least have the house standing firmly even at the end of the party.

Decide who tidies up the mess
You can either attend to the disgusting task of setting straight the mess and scrubbing the walls, floors, curtains, etc. or you can hire a professional Rug cleaner Canberra and sit back and relax. Even if you get the services of a professional, it would be a good idea to let the child do at least some of the work so that he/she will get an idea about how harsh is the aftermath of a good celebration. You can also try reducing the fee of the cleaning company in installments from the pocket money you give to your teenager so that he/she will be extra careful next time and would caution the friends as well against messing up the place. These steps, which look good and convenient on paper, may not look so good when try to follow them the first time as teenagers are the most difficult species roaming earth. However, do not be disheartened and try enforcing only one at a time for better results.carpet-clean